Apply for Grants

2024 Fall Equipment Grants

Purpose: To fund equipment needed to provide creative, innovative, impact full learning projects and opportunities that align with YCS core values. These projects should provide for collaboration and spark innovation and creativity in students.  

Total Funding Amount:
Up to $32,000 

Grant Application Process:  
The application process will open Monday, September 9th and conclude Friday, October 4th.

Grant applications will be reviewed by YCEF Advisory Board members using a similar scoring rubric used for the spring grants. Those grants that are deemed most creative, collaborative and impactful to students by the advisory board will be funded. Grants should be submitted by individual schools. Educators should work with their principals to complete the grant application. The grant minimum is $2,000 and the maximum is $6,000.

Guidance:  As educators work to develop grant proposals, they should consider the following:

More Information on Applying:

The application period for creative classroom grants is currently closed. Check back to this website for updates and click here to view grant requirements.

2025 Creative Classroom Grants

About the Grants:
These grants are specifically designed to provide the tools, materials, equipment, and other resources that will allow you to deliver a creative, student-engaging, and life-relevant instructional project. All expenses should be directly and clearly linked to an instructional plan. You will also have the chance to provide supplemental materials such as videos, case studies or other attachments which illustrate your goals.  Classroom instructional environment upgrades such as furniture, motivational or other décor, or computers and routine classroom supplies are not in the scope of this grant opportunity.

There are two applications: (1) the individual application and (2) the collaborative application. Please determine which is appropriate for you and your project.

Individual Applications:
These must be completed by one teacher who will implement the project, though students beyond your classroom or subject may benefit. Individual Applications may be awarded a maximum of $2,000.

Collaborative Application:
Designed for two or more teachers who choose to actively work together to plan, implement, and evaluate a project. It may be cross-curricular in nature or delivered to whole grades, schools, or district-wide academic departments. All teachers listed in a Collaborative Application should be part of the project’s development. Collaborative Applications may be awarded a maximum of $4,000.

Principal Sign-off:
Applications must be reviewed by all applicants’ principal(s), and principal awareness will be confirmed as part of the application process.  Be sure to submit the application early enough to also allow principals time to affirm awareness, which must be completed by the application deadline. Applications without principal sign-off will not be evaluated. No exceptions.

*Greg Keener, Program Officer, may contact you during the review period with any questions or clarifications on your application.

Application Review:
Applications will be reviewed and scored be by teams of reviewers from a cross-section of community leaders – not all educators. Teacher names will be redacted during the review process. The criteria for evaluating applications include: The values of YCS: Welcoming, Collaborative, Innovative, Accountable, and Purposeful to create outcomes that enhance learning and increase student engagement.

Apply Here


More Information on Applying: